14 Apr 2016

Vitamin pill could prevent heart attacks and strokes in people with kidney disease

A new trial, led by the Universities of Dundee and Glasgow, is underway to discover whether vitamin K can improve heart and blood vessel health in chronic kidney disease patients. People with kidney disease have a significantly greater risk of having a heart attack or stroke as the condition causes a layer of calcium to settle in the wall of blood vessels, making them stiff, which increases blood pressure and puts strain on the heart. Chronic kidney disease affects over a third of people over the age of 65 and is one of the commonest comorbidities seen in hospitals, particularly in those admitted with ac...

Vitamin pill could prevent heart attacks and strokes in people with kidney disease

14 Apr 2016

Trauma support project to help children across the world

A pioneering project to help child victims of war and disaster cope with their trauma and grief is to be made globally available following a successful trial in Palestine led by a team including a trauma expert at the University of Dundee. The `Children and Grief’ manual tells group leaders how to lead groups of children following traumatic losses. Dr Ian Barron, Reader in Trauma Studies at the University of Dundee, has worked in collaboration with Dr Ghassan Abdallah, Director of the Centre for Applied Research in Ramallah, to implement and evaluate the pilot programme in Palestine, which has worke...

Trauma support project to help children across the world

13 Apr 2016

Dundee lecturer to uncover unknown American tale

A University of Dundee lecturer has received funding to tell an extraordinary untold American story. History and American Studies lecturer Dr Peggy Brunache has been awarded this year’s Ford Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship. She will use the funding to look into the story of Parker Academy, a multi gender and interracial school founded in 1839 in Ohio. Methodist Reverend Daniel Parker and his wife Priscilla dedicated their lives to building equality in classrooms, at a time when racial segregation and states’ rights for slavery divided the nation.  It was regularly raided by slave cat...

Dundee lecturer to uncover unknown American tale

13 Apr 2016

Fire investigation award for Professor Nic Daeid

The University of Dundee’s Professor Niamh Nic Daeid has been recognised for her internationally leading work to reduce the number of lives lost in fires. The UK Association of Fire Investigators (UKAFI) has presented Professor Nic Daeid with the Pete J. Ganci Jr Memorial Award 2016 for her dedication and commitment to improving the fire investigation profession in Britain. Niamh Nic Daeid is Professor of Forensic Science and Director of Research at the University’s renowned Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification (CAHID). She has been involved in the development of policy and practice in...

Fire investigation award for Professor Nic Daeid

11 Apr 2016

Do you have the ‘Write Stuff’?

Influential figures from Scotland’s publishing industry and literary scene will visit the University of Dundee next week to help budding writers get their work into print and onto shelves. ‘Write Stuff’ takes place on Wednesday, 20th April at Bonar Hall. A panel of literary insiders will provide an insight into the business side of writing as well as offering the audience advice on how they can take their writing to the world. Guests include Scotland’s leading agent Jenny Brown, BBC Scotland’s inaugural Poet-in-Residence Rachel McCrum, former Man Booker Prize Judge Stuart Ke...

Do you have the ‘Write Stuff’?