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17 Oct 2014

Ghanaian students hope to win over the public and gain ‘The Scholarship’

While the new series of The Apprentice has the nation speculating over which of the contestants earns their place next to Lord Sugar at the top table, a group of students in Ghana are competing to win their own dream prize – a full scholarship at the University of Dundee. ‘The Scholarship’ is an educational radio contest aimed at rewarding brilliant Ghanaians with a one-year postgraduate scholarship for an Energy Studies-related course at the University, including a return ticket to Scotland, and residential, living, and learning material allowances. The initiative is a joint collaborati...

16 Oct 2014

Scottish International Policing Conference

Researchers from universities across Scotland will next week meet with colleagues from the UK and US to explore the relationship between technology, policing and criminal justice The Fourth Annual Scottish International Policing Conference, being held at the University of Edinburgh on Wednesday, 22nd October, will focus on Technology, Policing and Criminal Justice. The programme has been organised by Professor Nick Fyfe, Director of the Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) and a researcher at the University of Dundee. The conference is supported by the Scottish Government and three major compa...

16 Oct 2014

‘Spend a Penny for PAMIS’ and help flush away exclusion

University of Dundee-based charity PAMIS is inviting members of the public to flush away exclusion by spending a penny to support people with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD) and their families. The ‘Spend a Penny for PAMIS’ campaign will see workplaces across the country raise money and awareness of the group’s work during World Toilet Day on Wednesday, 19th November. People with PMLD and their families face many barriers to accessing and participating in the community. PAMIS works on a number of fronts to enable inclusion and improve their quality of life, including ...

‘Spend a Penny for PAMIS’ and help flush away exclusion

15 Oct 2014

Extraordinary wartime exploits of psychologist revealed in new book

Dundee psychologist Professor Alan Kennedy has unearthed details of the extraordinary wartime exploits of one of his predecessors. Alan Kennedy is emeritus Professor of Psychology in the University of Dundee, having previously held academic appointments in Melbourne, St Andrews, Aix-en-Provence, Clermont-Ferrand and Paris. In addition to his published research, he has written four novels: the latest, ‘Lucy’, was published in 2014. It was while researching material for a novel set in war-time France that Professor Kennedy came across the name of his former colleague, Dr Oscar Oeser, who was on...

Extraordinary wartime exploits of psychologist revealed in new book

15 Oct 2014

Beechgrove comes to the Botanic Garden

Beechgrove comes to the Botanic this Saturday as television’s Jim McColl features alongside a wide range of activities for an open day at the University of Dundee Botanic Garden. The open day on Saturday October 18th is being hosted by the Dundee Botanic Garden Endowment Trust Jim McColl will be one of a `Gardeners Question Time’ panel alongside Lady Catherine Erskine from Cambo Estate, the artist and horticulturalist John Stoa, and Nicola McNee, from BBC Radio Scotland’s `Kitchen Garden’. The day will also include a performance from the 30-piece University of Dundee Concert Band...