4 Dec 2015
Award-winning graduate artist launches first solo Dundee show
A new exhibition of drawings and screen prints by award-winning wildlife artist Lara Scouller opens in the University of Dundee’s Tower Foyer gallery tomorrow. Lara graduated with a fine art degree from the University’s Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design in 2006 and has since held exhibitions across the UK. However, this new show, ‘AVEM: a journey with birds’,is her first solo exhibition in Dundee, where she still lives and works. The exhibition features a selection of recent work inspired by her time on the John Busby Seabird Drawing Course earlier this year.  ...

4 Dec 2015
Candlelit Carol Service
The University of Dundee’s annual service of Carols by Candlelight will take place on Sunday, 13th December at 5pm in St Paul’s Cathedral. The service takes the form of nine lessons/poems and traditional carols. The singing will be led by the University Choirs who will also contribute a number of choral pieces. Professor Sir Pete Downes, Principal of the University, and his wife, Lady Elizabeth Downes, will host a reception with mince pies and mulled wine after the service. University Chaplain, Rev Dr Fiona Douglas said, “The carol service is one of the highlight of the Univ...

3 Dec 2015
£10m award to establish Leverhulme Centre for Forensic Science at Dundee
The University of Dundee has been granted a £10million award by the Leverhulme Trust to establish a Research Centre for Forensic Science aimed at shaping the future of the subject and ensuring it remains a vital component of the criminal justice system. Dundee is one of four UK universities – alongside Cambridge, Liverpool and Sheffield – to win the new Leverhulme Research Centre awards. Each centre will be funded for up to £10 million over 10 years, to support fundamental cross-disciplinary research across the whole range of the STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) su...
1 Dec 2015
Brian Cox’s latest role – communicating the causes of disease
University of Dundee Rector Brian Cox has lent his distinctive voice to a new video explaining how some of the world-leading science taking place in the city is helping us understand the causes of disease. Brian has provided the voiceover for the animation showcasing the work of the MRC Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit (MRC-PPU) in the University’s School of Life Sciences. The short film offers a layman-friendly explanation of the work taking place in the Unit, which looks at the biological processes that can lead to diseases such as cancer, hypertension and neurodegenerative conditi...
30 Nov 2015
DUSA presents Scottish Leaders Debate
Scotland’s political leaders will be questioned by students at the University of Dundee at a major debate in the New Year. Dundee University Students’ Association (DUSA) has organised and will host the debate on January 18th between the leaders of Scotland’s main political parties. BBC Scotland’s political editor Brian Taylor, who was this year awarded an honorary degree from the University, will chair the debate. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed her attendance at the event alongside leaders from the other parties. Tim Hustler, President of DUSA, said, “It is a ...