3 Apr 2015
Dundee voters give party leaders mixed marks on debate performances
Nicola Sturgeon came out as the highest rated, with Ed Miliband not far behind. David Cameron and Nick Clegg had slightly lower ratings while Natalie Bennet and Leanne Wood’s grades ranged from A to F and Nigel Farage received a failing mark. Those were the impressions of voters who took part in focus groups conducted as part of the 2015 Qualitative Election Study of Britain (QESB 2015) at the University of Dundee last night. Fifteen people took part in the research which involved watching the debates and reacting to them in real time. “This is the only chance for voters to see seven party le...

2 Apr 2015
DUSA mobilises Election Champions
Dundee University Students’ Association (DUSA) has mobilised a team of ‘Election Champions’ to ensure its members know how to register to vote and exercise their democratic right in the run up to 7th May. Political parties have officially begun vying for the public’s support, but many students have fallen off the electoral register, and DUSA is aiming to reverse this trend before 20th April when registration closes. With funding from National Union of Students and the UK Cabinet Office, they have appointed a student team who will be promoting registration to students over the next...

2 Apr 2015
Dundee among world’s best in International Student Barometer
The University of Dundee has been ranked in the World Top 20 and number one in Scotland in the International Student Barometer (ISB) Survey, the largest annual study of international students in the world. Dundee came first in Scotland (7th in the UK and 19th in the whole ISB) for overall average satisfaction in the International Student Barometer, This year responses were gathered from students in 183 institutions in 16 countries. This includes 54 UK universities, of which seven are Scottish. The ISB is independently administered by the International Graduate Insight Group (i-graduate.org). The ISB exam...
1 Apr 2015
Design In Business: The Scottish Design Summit 2015
Some of the world’s most innovative thinkers on design – and how it can impact on businesses at all levels – will share their experiences at this year’s Scottish Design Summit. `Design in Business: The Scottish Design Summit 2015’ is organised by the University of Dundee-led Design In Action project and takes place in Edinburgh from May 21st to 23rd. It will look into the future of design with keynote speakers including the `Willy Wonka of design and science’ Nelly Ben Hayoun, and the award-winning designer and entrepreneur Roland Lamb. The Summit brings together desi...
1 Apr 2015
BBSRC Innovation Award for Professor Andrew Hopkins
Professor Andrew Hopkins, of the College of Life Sciences at the University of Dundee, has been named Commercial Innovator of the Year at the BBSRC (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council) 2015 Innovator of the Year Awards. Professor Hopkins won the award at a ceremony in London last night (March 31st). He was nominated for his pioneering work in algorithmic drug design. Andrew is the founder and CEO of ex scientia, a University of Dundee spin-out company which is pioneering medicines tailored to polypharmacology for a wide range of human diseases where improved efficacy is required...