9 Sep 2015
‘Scotland's Referendum: One Year On’ – 21st September
It was the most momentous political event in Scotland’s history and the University of Dundee’s Five Million Questions (5MQ) initiative is set to revisit the Independence Referendum with a panel discussion to mark the first anniversary of the vote. ‘Scotland's Referendum: One Year On’ takes place at the University’s Dalhousie Building at 6pm on Monday, 21st September. A panel comprising BBC Scotland Political Editor Brian Taylor, Political Commentator David Torrance and Nicola McEwen, Professor of Politics at the University of Edinburgh, will reflect on the 12 months since the...

9 Sep 2015
Dundee lends eHealth expertise to Europe-wide hypertension project
The University of Dundee is contributing its internationally renowned expertise in eHealth and informatics to a major Europe-wide research project to improve diagnosis and therapeutic care for primary and secondary forms of arterial hypertension. ENS@T-HT is a five-year European H2020 research project, co-ordinated by Paris-based Inserm, created to tackle these issues. It has funds of up €7.6m and involves 13 academic institutions from France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Australia, and the United Kingdom, including the University of Dundee. Hypertension affects up to 45% of the general populati...
8 Sep 2015
‘Struggle and Revolution in the USA’s Criminal “Injustice” System’ – civil rights campaigner to visit Dundee
Civil rights campaigner Robert King, who spent 29 years in solitary confinement as a result of a miscarriage of justice, will visit the University of Dundee next week to talk about what he sees as injustice and prejudice built into the US penal system. At a time when the Black Lives Matter campaign has focused the world’s media attention on alleged institutional racism of America’s criminal justice system, Robert King will draw on his own extraordinary experiences as one member of the ‘Angola 3’ to explore the country’s racial, social and political context. He will be appeari...

8 Sep 2015
Huge response to Calais refugee camp appeal
Hundreds of bags of clothes, food, sanitary products and camping equipment have been collected in the space of only three days at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design in response to an appeal for aid for the refugee camp at Calais. The appeal went out last Thursday with the College, part of the University of Dundee, one of several collection points around Dundee and Angus. Over the space of Thursday, Friday and Monday, a mass of goods have been donated by staff, students and members of the public. “It has been an overwhelming response and we are fast running out of room in our receptio...
7 Sep 2015
Dundee contributing to €50m programme to develop new antibiotic treatments for cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis
The University of Dundee is contributing to a €50 million, Europe-wide, project to develop new drugs that could improve the lives of patients with cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis. The iABC (inhaled Antibiotics in Bronchiectasis and Cystic Fibrosis) consortium, which is made up of world-leading lung specialists from across Europe, will develop new ‘inhaled antibiotics’ to alleviate the symptoms of chronic lung infection, the main cause of disease and death in patients with cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis. The new antibiotics, which are to be trialled over a five year period and are ...