3 Nov 2015
Margaret Harris Lecture on Religion 2015: ‘Veils, Values and Voices- Religion and the Public Space’
Islam, and its position within western societies, will be examined at a public lecture at the University of Dundee next week. Professor Mona Siddiqui will deliver the Margaret Harris Lecture on Religion 2015, entitled ‘Veils, Values and Voices – Religion and the Public Space’, at the University’s Dalhousie Building on Wednesday, 11th November. Professor Mona Siddiqui is internationally renowned as a public intellectual and media commentator and has been awarded an OBE for her contribution to interfaith services. She has spoken on religion and politics at the World Economic Forum i...

30 Oct 2015
Researchers make technological breakthrough against potato cyst nematode
A new study by UK scientists has the potential to deal with roundworm infestation that costs the UK agricultural industry £50million a year. Potato cyst nematodes (PCN) are a significant threat to the UK fresh and processing potato markets, but the new study takes science a step closer towards managing the PCN problem by mapping different population “types” at scales from whole landscapes to areas within a field with unprecedented accuracy. Two species of PCN, G. rostochiensis and G. pallida,are responsible for most PCN-related losses in temperate potato growing regions. While the forme...

30 Oct 2015
Come and Sing Messiah for charity
The University of Dundee Choir are inviting members of the public to Come and Sing Messiah and help raise money for a worthy cause. To mark 45 years since the University Choir's first Come and Sing, they are resurrecting the event to raise money for Nordoff Robbins Scotland, a music therapy charity that works with vulnerable children, young people and adults across the country. The event takes place in Dundee Parish Church (St Mary's) on Saturday, 7th November. There will be a rehearsal between 2-5pm and the performance itself will take place at 6.30pm. The cost is £7.50 per person and all funds ra...

30 Oct 2015
‘Imagine, Explore, Discover – Science at the University of Dundee’ – 4th to 22nd November
The ground-breaking science taking place at the University of Dundee will be celebrated at a series of public events in November. ‘Imagine, Explore, Discover – Science at the University of Dundee’ will showcase the research carried out at the University in creative ways that engage with audiences young and old. The programme will see 17 exhibitions, demonstrations, workshops, talks, open days and family events take place at the University and other venues in Dundee from Wednesday 4th to Sunday 22nd November. Members of the public will have the chance to visit the laboratories where lead...

29 Oct 2015
Flush away exclusion by spending a penny
University of Dundee-based charity PAMIS is inviting members of the public to flush away exclusion by spending a penny to support people with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD) and their families. The ‘Spend a Penny for PAMIS’ campaign will see individuals and workplaces across the country raise money and awareness of the group’s work during World Toilet Day on Thursday, 19th November. People with PMLD and their families face many barriers to accessing and participating in the community. PAMIS works on a number of fronts to enable inclusion and improve their quality of l...