17 Aug 2015
Nature’s Equations – D’Arcy Thompson and the Beauty of Mathematics
A new exhibition showcasing the work of Mathematics researchers at the University of Dundee, and exploring how the subject helps us appreciate the beauty of the natural world, will open at Dundee Science Centre later this week. ‘Nature’s Equations’ looks at the world of biomathematics, a field of science in which equations, patterns and models are used to study living organisms, from simple cells to complex systems such as human beings or flocks of birds. It opens on Saturday, 22nd August. The science of biomathematics owes much to the pioneering work of Dundee’s first Professor o...

17 Aug 2015
Group identifications reduce mental health problems in teenagers
Teenagers who fail to identify with their family, school and friends are more than four times likely to suffer mental health problems as peers who interact positively with these social groups, according to research from the University of Dundee. The research team, led by Psychology PhD student Kirsty Miller, surveyed more than 1000 high school pupils from the Fife area. The results showed that group identification protects against psychological disturbance and that levels of identification with family, school and friendship groups predicts symptoms of mental ill-health amongst teenagers. The paper, publi...

13 Aug 2015
Professor Mike Ferguson to receive 2016 Alice and C.C. Wang Award in Molecular Parasitology
The University of Dundee’s Professor Mike Ferguson has been named as the recipient of the prestigious 2016 Alice and C.C. Wang Award in Molecular Parasitology. The prize, awarded by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB), recognises scientists who are making seminal contributions to the field. Ching Chung “C.C.” Wang is a pioneer of molecular parasitology and has collaborated with his wife Alice during his distinguished career. The Wangs established the award to celebrate achievements of researchers and Professor Ferguson is its 5th winner. Mike Ferguson is ...

13 Aug 2015
Multilateral action required to prevent economic and ecological damage of invasive species
Invasive alien species (IAS) cost the UK and Irish economies almost £7 billion each year, according to new research from the University of Dundee. Tony Jackson, an Honorary Research Fellow in the University’s School of Social Sciences, calculated the damages to the use and non-use values of ecosystem services caused by alien species using evidence from a recent study undertaken for the Republic of Ireland and the Northern Ireland. His paper, published in the International Journal of Sustainable Society, shows the figure for economic damage dwarfs the sum spent by the British and Irish governm...

12 Aug 2015
Rock climbers consistently risking injury and pain to maximise performance
Rock climbers are routinely putting themselves at risk of pain and injury by wearing footwear several sizes too small for them, according to new research from the University of Dundee. It had been known for many years that some rock climbers wore ill-fitting and excessively tight footwear during climbing activity in order to maximise performance on small grips but scant evidence existed regarding the extent or harm of this practice. The Dundee research found that footwear deemed significantly ill-fitting was found in 55 out of 56 rock climbers. Foot pain during activity was also commonplace in 91 per cen...