24 Aug 2015
Drawing with gunpowder to explore war through the eyes of children
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has inspired a Dundee-based artist to create a series of humanitarian gunpowder drawings, where the artworks are created with explosions in controlled conditions. Dina Mackins has prepared her exhibition at the University of Dundee’s Masters Show specifically to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War Two. Dina, who is of Russian lineage, has worked with armed forces personnel and veterans both in the UK and Russia to help create her haunting images. She has developed a new technique combining gunpowder with handmade ink, ash and charcoals to...
21 Aug 2015
Masters Show 2015 – Susie takes `oil painting’ in a new direction
An exploded oil well head recovered from the North Sea and weighing in at a tonne-and-a-half forms a spectacular centrepiece at this year’s University of Dundee Masters Show. The stunning object is one of the first things visitors to the show will see, sitting close to the entrance at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design. It is the work of Susie Johnston, graduate of the MFA Arts & Humanities programme. “It is such a marvellous object and it has been great to work on it,” said Susie. “The petal effect comes from the force of the explosion when the well head was de...
20 Aug 2015
Artist’s exploration of ‘Atom Town’ wins £5000 prize
University of Dundee lecturer Gair Dunlop has been awarded £5000 to create new art work chronicling the history, cultural impact and evolution of the UK’s nuclear industry. Gair has received the cash as part of the Royal Scottish Academy of Art (RSA) Morton Award for lens-based media. He will use the prizemoney to create a multi-screen video installation combining elements of fiction, archive footage and documentary from slowly decommissioning atomic research laboratories and facilities at Dounreay, Harwell Archive, Torness and Hunterston. The resulting work will be exhibited at the Scottish ...

20 Aug 2015
Amy unveils face of 18th century pirate and poisoner at Masters Show 2015
The face of Alexander Tardy, a notorious pirate and poisoner operating in the early 1800s, has been unveiled at this year’s University of Dundee Masters Show by forensic art student Amy Thornton. Tardy carried out numerous acts of piracy and poisoning and is best known for his last acts aboard the brig Crawford in 1827. He and fellow pirates boarded the ship before poisoning the captain and crew. When it became clear he was set to be captured, Tardy retreated to the captain’s cabin and slit his own throat. A cast of Tardy’s skull is held in the University of Edinburgh’s Anatomical...
19 Aug 2015
New Centre to examine Scotland’s land issues
What does Scotland want or expect in terms of its landscape? Who benefits from the current management of this key resource? And if change is required, how can that change be managed? The Centre for Scotland’s Land Futures, a new interdisciplinary and inter-institutional enterprise run jointly between the University of Dundee and the University of Stirling, has been established to examine the past, present and future of Scotland’s land issues. The Centre will bring together perspectives from across the humanities – History, Geography, Economics, Art, English, Law and Philosophy – i...