27 Jan 2015
‘Hack the University’ – inaugural event seeks to change the future
Students from all corners of the University of Dundee are being called upon to help improve the institution at its inaugural ‘Hack the University’ session. The event takes place over Thursday 29th and Friday 30th January at Matthew Building, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design (DJCAD), part of the University. Using skills and perspectives from different disciplines, students will come together to develop and build services for several University services, including Dundee University Students’ Association (DUSA), Library & Learning Centre, IT and the Institute for Sport a...

26 Jan 2015
Evelyn signs up as 50,000th volunteer to `SHARE’
SHARE (The Scottish Health Research Register) is a unique project which aims to make it easier for researchers in Scotland to carry out ground-breaking medical research and uses blood left over from testing to help improve treatments for diseases such as cancer, diabetes and asthma. Every day in Scotland around 70,000 samples of blood are discarded after routine clinical testing. Researchers are asking the public across Scotland to allow them access to that spare blood. The SHARE project is pioneering an easy way for people to help the fight against disease. It only takes one minute to sign up to S...
26 Jan 2015
Dundee’s unique ‘window on the world’ reaches 40th anniversary
The Dundee Satellite Receiving Station, which receives and archives thousands of detailed images of planet earth, is celebrating a 40th birthday this month, January 2015. University of Dundee Electrical and Electronic Engineering lecturers Peter Baylis and John Brush oversaw the installation of the Station’s first dish type tracking antenna on the roof of the University’s Ewing Building in 1975. Although Baylis and Brush retired a few years ago, the original dish is still used for one of the current antenna systems. It is a part of a five-strong network of tracking antennas mounted on buildin...
25 Jan 2015
Dundee ranked 7th in UK for impact on global health
The University of Dundee is ranked 7th in the UK for its impact on global health in a new league table launched at the January 2015 meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Health. Compiled by Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM) and Medsin-UK, the ranking criteria considered levels of innovative research activity and free access to online research information. The All-Party Parliamentary Group is chaired by Lord Nigel Crisp, former NHS Chief Executive and now member of the House of Lords. “The group is particularly interested in the level of investment in global health ...
23 Jan 2015
University nurse aids Ebola effort in Liberia
A University of Dundee nurse has returned from aiding the effort to combat Ebola in Liberia. Dr Steve McSwiggan is a Senior Clinical Trials Manager in the Tayside Medical Science Centre, which is a partnership between the University and NHS Tayside. He went to Liberia late last year to help establish and deliver a clinical trial looking at the effectiveness of a drug to treat the disease. “There’s no doubt it is very challenging being there but it was also tremendously rewarding and I can only hope that our efforts will be helpful in finding treatments for Ebola,...