6 Dec 2017
Candlelight Carol Service - Sunday 10 December at 5pm
One of the highlights of Dundee’s festive calendar will take place this week as the University of Dundee hosts its annual Carols by Candlelight. The event, which is open to all, will take place at St Paul’s Cathedral on Sunday 10 December at 5pm. This years’ service will be extra special as the University Choir brings an end to the University’s 50th Anniversary celebrations. They have commissioned a special choral piece to mark 50 years since the University became an independent institution. ‘What Sweeter Music’ was written by English composer Will Todd and it wil...
5 Dec 2017
University works to secure India’s water future
Collaborative research between Scotland and India has begun on a major water management project in India, with researchers from the University of Dundee exploring the impact of increasing population and rapid economic development on water resources. The £2million pound project, UPSCALE, is being carried out in the Cauvery river basin in India, and is funded by the Natural Environmental Research Council in the UK and the Ministry of Earth Sciences in India. The University of Dundee is one of six UK-based partners working with Indian organisations to understand trends in water use and management in o...

4 Dec 2017
‘Ghostbusters-style’ optical traps enable researchers to study living cells
University of Dundee researchers have created optical traps – described as microscopic equivalents of the proton pack in Ghostbusters – that enable scientists to manipulate minuscule objects and study the mechanics of cells and bio-molecules deep inside living organisms. An optical trap is a tightly focused laser beam that can be used to confine and manipulate microscopic objects such as cells, bacteria and strands of DNA, typically in aqueous media. Whilst they are not themselves new, Dundee researchers used holographic beam-shaping to deploy such traps for the first time through hair-thin op...

1 Dec 2017
University to show old movies to mark an end of 50th Anniversary celebrations
Footage of the Queen Mother being installed as the University of Dundee’s first chancellor and Stephen Fry’s hilarious rectorial address will be screened at an event next week. The University’s Archives team have been busy digging out a fascinating collection of films from times gone by. The clips will be shown in the D’Arcy Thompson Lecture Theatre on Thursday 7 December. ‘The Way We Were: the University on Film’ also includes footage from the 1930s, when the institution was part of the University of St Andrews. University Archivist Caroline Brown said, “We wan...
30 Nov 2017
University tackles period poverty
Students and staff at the University of Dundee will make 10,000 sanitary products freely available to raise awareness of the issue of period poverty. Dundee University Students’ Association (DUSA) and the University’s Student Services are combining their efforts to provide the items this Friday, ahead of a Scottish Government commitment to supply free sanitary products across schools, colleges and universities next year. Sharon Sweeney, Student Funding Officer, said, “It is crucial that the University supports an initiative that means women do not have to forego their dignity or health ...