12 Oct 2018

Student catalogues treasure trove of comics

An American student was delighted to find rare comics, some dating back to the 1800s, amongst thousands of comics she catalogued at the University of Dundee. Hailey Austin says she has found comic gems including Punch magazine, first issues of rare DC and Marvel comics, as well as drafts and proofs of early DC Thomson comics amongst the materials donated to the University’s Archives. Hailey, a 24-year-old PhD student from Colorado, said that the mammoth task of cataloguing the majority of the collections took over three months but she would happily do it all over again because of the value the...

Student catalogues treasure trove of comics

11 Oct 2018

Inspirational changemakers to share experiences at Festival

Some of the country’s most inspirational young people will share their experiences of driving change in society at the University of Dundee’s Festival of the Future next week. ‘Making the Difference - Young changemakers’ takes place at Bonar Hall from 3pm on Friday 19 October and will see Chelsea Cameron, Alex Muir and Kirsty Stevens tell their stories about overcoming adversity, raising awareness and influencing changes to policy and perceptions. The event will be chaired by comedian and presenter Fred MacAulay, a Dundee graduate and former University Rector. Festival Manager Ann...

Inspirational changemakers to share experiences at Festival

11 Oct 2018

Experts call for a Commissioner for Ageing

Health experts from across the UK, including researchers at the University of Dundee, have called for a Commissioner for Ageing in England and Scotland. A new report led by researchers at the Universities of Dundee, Heriot-Watt and Stirling has found that the UK housing sector is still not ready for ageing, but said there was evidence of real support and political buy-in for ongoing and future solutions. The report, Housing and Ageing: Linking Strategy to future delivery for Scotland, Wales and England 2030, recommended that housing should play a central role in the provision of services for older people...

Experts call for a Commissioner for Ageing

10 Oct 2018

Scientists praised for pulling plug on a drug

In a novel twist for researchers who actively develop drugs to combat tropical diseases, a group of scientists at the University of Dundee have been honoured for putting an end to a promising piece of research. The Mode of Action team, based in the Wellcome Centre for Anti-infectives Research at the University’s School of Life Sciences, have been awarded the GlaxoSmithKline Scientific Termination of Projects (STOP) Award 2017 for pulling the plug on the development of compound series aimed at treating visceral leishmaniasis and Chagas’ diseases. Dr Susan Wyllie, who leads the team, expla...

Scientists praised for pulling plug on a drug

9 Oct 2018

One Profession, Many Stories - mental health nursing

A new campaign which aims to raise awareness of mental health nursing is being launched to coincide with World Mental Health Day 2018. ‘Mental Health Nursing – One Profession, Many Stories’ is a joint campaign by NHS Tayside and the University of Dundee which aims to raise awareness of the work and experiences of mental health nurses in Tayside. Launching on World Mental Health Day 2018 (Wednesday, 10 October), the campaign will see a series of videos shared on NHS Tayside and the University of Dundee’s social media sites with the hashtag #OneProfessionManyStories.  The video...

One Profession, Many Stories - mental health nursing