Articles in the category 'Sustainability'...
Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience Annual Review

We are proud to be presenting the Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience Annual review. This showcases and celebrates some of the excellent work of and its wide interdisciplinary constituents and associates. Requests for hard copies can be made to Louise Henderson: Last year's review can be found at: CECHR Annual Report 2013/14 ...
Scotland's City-Regions Smart Opportunity: Second Annual Conference

Geddes Institute fellow Diarmaid Lawlor announced as speaker at Scotland's City-Regions Smart Opportunity conference.Head of Urbanism - Architecture and Design Scotland he is an urbanist, with a multi disciplinary background, he has worked on projects involving the shaping and implementation of change for clients in Ireland, the UK and Europe, for the public, private and tertiary sectors.He has almost 20 years' experience of helping clients make well informed decisions about complex, connected urban policy and investment challenges. This conference will discuss how we can most effectively release...
Facing the Future 2016 Conference: Realising Resilience

Facing the Future 2016 is a two-day postgraduate conference for Masters, PhD and early career researchers organised through the Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience (CECHR) at the University of Dundee and James Hutton Institute. Our conference will be held from 31 May – 1 June 2016 at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. In our rapidly changing world, it is vital to create and support strong, resilient ecosystems, food systems and human communities. Therefore, this year’s Facing the Future conference will focus on understanding community and ecosystem resilience, and will equip...
Flourishing Communities and Productive Seas

Over forty delegates attended a one day CECHR-funded symposium on marine spatial planning on 28 April, organised by Deborah Peel and Alison Reeves, and postgraduate students from the Masters in Spatial Planning (Marine Spatial Planning). Participants came from a range of backgrounds, including central government, local authorities, Scottish Natural Heritage, the Crown Estate, and NGOs, such as Scottish Environment LINK and PAS. The event was chaired by Greg Lloyd, Emeritus Professor at Ulster University. The aim of the event was to find ways to ‘talk’ across marine science, social science and l...
Resilient Coasts and Flourishing Seas?

Symposium: Tuesday 28 April 2015 The Baxter Suite 1.36, Tower Building, University of Dundee (9.30-4pm) Interested in Marine Spatial Planning? Want to know more about Scotland's first National Marine Plan? Why not attend a free event at the University of Dundee to find out more about what colleagues are researching in relation to the marine environment? This one day symposium will bring together inter-disciplinary expertise from practice and across the Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience (CEHCR) and Offshore Renewables Institute to explore key issues with respect to the marine and land/sea...
CECHR Collaborative Research - Incubator Competition, 2015

Applications are invited for up to three ‘Incubator Grants’, sharing from a maximum fund of £5,000, to support new cross- and interdisciplinary projects aligned to the Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience [CECHR] mission of promoting more sustainable and equitable futures. This year proposals are encouraged which align with the key societal challenges: ‘promoting the sustainable use of global resources; shaping the future through innovative design and improving social, cultural and physical well-being - identified in the University’s Transformation vision...
NEW MSc in Sustainability
Sustainability has emerged as one of the defining issues of the 21st century. Achieving enduring and fairer societies requires viable economies, sound science and good governance. The University’s new MSc in Sustainability platform provides training in theory, critical analysis and the practical skills to facilitate the transformations needed to deliver secure low carbon futures. Our graduates will be a new generation of change makers. The portfolio of environmental disciplines is exceptionally strong in the University as are its traditions of cross-disciplinary collaboration and interdisciplinary pr...
NEW MSc in Sustainability
Sustainability has emerged as one of the defining issues of the 21st century. Achieving enduring and fairer societies requires viable economies, sound science and good governance. The University’s new MSc in Sustainability platform provides training in theory, critical analysis and the practical skills to facilitate the transformations needed to deliver secure low carbon futures. Our graduates will be a new generation of change makers. The portfolio of environmental disciplines is exceptionally strong in the University as are its traditions of cross-disciplinary collaboration and interdisciplinary pr...