Articles in the category 'Human Geography'...
Social Cash Transfers in Southern Africa: Funded PhD studentship

Funded ESRC linked project PhD studentship available at the School of the Environment, University of Dundee Applications are invited for a full-time, three-year PhD studentship to undertake a research project to examine: how political and economic power relationships between national and international institutions are implicated in the design and implementation of social cash transfer schemes. The studentship is supervised by Dr Lorraine van Blerk (Reader, Human Geography) and forms part of a larger ESRC/DFID grant examining Social cash transfers, generational relations and youth poverty trajectories in ru...
Mind the (Housing) Wealth Gap

Society Research Group Seminar: Mind the (Housing) Wealth Gap - Family Welfare & Intergenerational Justice 26 November 2014, 1-2 pm, Room G6, Tower Building, University of Dundee Beverley Searle “Housing Wealth and Family Welfare – An Introduction” Stephan Köppe “Acquiring, Managing and Using Housing Assets: Longitudinal Evidence from Britain” Adriana Soaita “Homeownership-based welfare: Pathways to family wellbeing” Researchers of the Mind the (Housing) Wealth Gap project are presenting their research results at the Society Research ...
Growing up in the new Scotland

Geography's Lorraine van Blerk helps organise Growing up in the New Scotland event Growing up in the new Scotland: The impact of independence on the future of Scotland’s children This is a Five Million Questions event 10/6/14, 6pm, Dalhousie Building Although most public services pertinent to children’s lives such as health and education are already devolved to the Scottish Government, they are still likely to be transformed under a new Scotland. Further the welfare system, its benefits and cuts remain the responsibility of the UK Government and this directly impacts family and child poverty. T...
Geographer contributes to debate on the new Longitude Prize
Longitude prize 2014: a poor replacement for political action Geography's Jon Mendel in the Guardian 21 May: When it comes to dealing with global challenges, we should be holding our government to account, not seduced by hopes that science will solve our problems. The UK government’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills has proudly announced the new Longitude prize and minister David Willetts states that “this prize will challenge scientists to tackle one of today’s greatest scientific problems”. Longitude 2014 “is a challenge with a £...