The City as a Thinking Machine : The ExhibitionProgramme of Events : Satellite Events : The Catalogue

As part of the international outreach for the exhibition
The City is a Thinking Machine
... activism in the built environment

Nablus: an authentic urban space Naseer R. Arafat

Monday 19th October, Tower Building, University of Dundee

As part of the international outreach of the Cities as Thinking Machines Exhibition, Naseer R. Arafat will discuss the old city of Nablus, introducing its urban fabric and buildings. In the context of understanding the city’s social sensitivity, economic ambitions and environmental responses to climatic specifications, Naseer will discuss how the historic city centre of Nablus has responded to the social, economic and environmental aspects that are essential for today's concerns for appropriate urban design of modern cities.

Naseer is an architect and specialist in development, planning, and conservation. He has worked on a number of research projects and books on Palestinian architectural heritage, particularly concerned with social and historical issues. He is the author of Nablus, City of Civilizations. Mr Arafat is visiting the city as a guest of the Dundee-Nablus Twinning Association.

Celebrate World Town Planning Day with Town and Regional Planning

Wednesday 4 November 2015 University of Dundee - Room T4, The Tower Building: 11.00 to 19.00








University of Dundee Welcome Address

Professor Deborah Peel – University of Dundee



Introduction to World Town Planning Day

Marion Frederiksen – Royal Town Planning Institute

International Policy and Research Officer



Conference Welcome

Sonia Kirby - Chair, WTPD Online Conference 2015



New Global Sustainable Goals

Rafael Tuts – United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)



Opening Keynote Address

Emeritus Professor Patsy Healey OBE



Keynote Address

Ali Grehan - Dublin City Architect



Technical Pause – 30 mins



Session 1 –

Housing and Sustainability

UK: Steven Wood




West Suffolk Councils



South Africa: Zhan Goosen

Planning for Child-Friendly Spaces in Our Communities

North West University


Technical Pause – 30 mins


Session 2 –

Housing Delivery

Spain: Silva Perez Bou

When Does Housing Regeneration Succeed? 3 Case Studies from Spain

Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain).



Ireland: Sean O’Leary

Community Education and Regeneration for Sustainable Communities in Theory and Practice

Maynooth University

Irish Planning Institute


Technical Pause – 30 mins


Session 3 –

Housing Delivery

South Africa: Sisa Maboza

Problems with housing and service delivery in South Africa

Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa




Cliff Hague

Unintended Consequences of a Housing Project in Edinburgh

Freelance Consultant


Close of event



The Evolutionary Spirit at Work in Patrick Geddes
Dr Ian Wight (University of Manitoba)

Friday 20th November T4, Tower Building, University of Dundee 2-4:00pm

Dr Ian Wight, University of Manitoba, will explore how Patrick Geddes’ ideas for an applied, integral ecology might be translated into contemporary professional practice. Ian has a long career in regional planning practice and is an advocate of a new civic professionalism. Ian engages in action research, with a particular interest in the implications of an integral perspective - prospecting an integral form of planning that would transcend and include the best of pre-modern, modern and post-modern planning. Building on the social technologies of “presencing” and “meshworking”, Ian is committed to praxis-making and ethos-making – meshing the personal, the professional and the spiritual. In his talk, Ian will offer the perspective of planning as place-making, as well-being by design, and invite a sharing of others' experience and hunches, inspired by their sense of Geddes' relevance today, and to come.


Tuesday 24th November, D’Arcy Thompson Lecture Theatre, University of Dundee, 6-8:00pm

City Vistas: Lord Mar’s plans for London, Paris and Edinburgh in the 1720s

Dr Margaret Stewart, lecturer, architectural historian, University of Edinburgh

Thinking versus action: Patrick Geddes's conservation paradox

Professor Michael Hebbert, Bartlett School of Planning, University College London

Postscript: Activism in the Built Environment: Art

Thursday 10 December 2015

John Dummett: Score for a prepared voice: the city is a thinking machine

John Dummett is an artist and writer based in Scotland. Working between sculpture, critical writing and performance, John addresses the social production of knowledge. His work examines the different and often contradictory images of ‘the public’ and how these underpin the architectural and social fabric of the urban environment. John is a PhD student at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, University of Dundee and an affiliate of the Geddes Institute. His work is included in the research project and exhibition The City is a Thinking Machine: activism in the built environment, currently in the Lamb Gallery. This will be the last evening event associated with the Geddes Exhibition.