Urban: 1. the Scene of the Crime, the Public Realm, the Culture of Congestion.
Peripheries: 1. the fermentitious edge where most city development occurs; 2. the edge between urban space and other forums for democracy - like digital domains - that are sometimes claimed to be spaces; 3. the edge between the individual subject and the field of the Other. individual... collective space: Beginning with individual perception experience relationships... Work outward to a critical appraisal of urban design.
Our goal is to formulate strategies of engagement with the public realm, and to do it first through representations of individual encounters, and then through design projects. The public realm includes civic space; it also includes other forums for democracy, the paradigm for which remains public spaces for gathering (agora + stoa) but which includes other domains that might not, on first blush, be seen to be spatial.
The public realm raises questions of:
- 4. Place: the qualities and identities of city spaces
- 3. Inhabitation: how we live in cities, city life and experience, civility, socialisation, crime
- 2. Communication: social networks and infrastructure
- 1. Subjectivity: the who-I-am and the what-its-like-for-me