The Geddes Institute for Urban Research is the principal collegiate forum and collective platform for research and scholarship in Architecture and Planning at the University of Dundee, with participation by staff in Architecture, Planning, and Geography. Founded by Town & Regional Planning in the 1990’s, the Geddes Institute functions as host, showcase, and storefront for research and scholarship projects and activities in the Architecture and Planning programs. The polymathic planner and botanist, Patrick Geddes insisted that the city and its region must be understood together in a single synoptic view that encompassed their mutual relations and dependencies. His concern with ‘land work folk’ defines a form of latter day humanism by which we orient our research and scholarship praxis in the urban and rural manmade environments. The purpose of the Institute is to bring together researchers from disciplines from across the University with interests in the manmade environment, and to bring together the different research cultures/methodologies represented by these disciplines, in particular the social science research methodologies of geography, sociology, and planning with the creative practice led research methodologies of architecture, art, and the design disciplines.
In particular, it aims to provide a structure for interdisciplinary collaborations by promoting:
- lectures, events, and symposia, and other forums that bring together researchers in relevant disciplines to share research interests and findings;
- collaborative, grant-funded, research projects involving social science research and practice led research, singly or in dialogue;
- publication and other dissemination projects;
- exhibitions and other public events that showcase the design and digital communities;
- and jointly funded research studentships.
Typically Architecture and Planning staff convene Geddes Institute forums to host problem forming and project planning meetings, which, typically, bring diverse disciplines together around a common topic, with a view to writing grant applications and developing projects.
The Institute contributes to a research environment at the University that includes the Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience (CECHR) and other forums in the University, which provide research programmes for staff and PhD students.
The Institute has a Geddes Fellows programme, populated by academics and practitioners outwith the University. Fellows contribute to the Institute by bringing research projects, exhibitions, and symposia to Dundee. Current fellows include a planner in Plymouth, an economist in Luebeck local authority, an independent media activist in America, and an urbanist with Architecture+Design Scotland.
The Institute is interested in recruiting post-graduate students from architecture, geography, planning, and from the arts and social sciences generally, at the M.Phil. and Ph.D. levels, who are interested in research in all aspects of urban design and planning, and urban theory and culture.
In the Spotlight
‘There goes the neighbourhood'
AoU Scotland Neighbourhood Summit
As part of Scotland’s Towns Week, the Academy of Urbanism Scotland and its partners are holding a one-and-a-half day event focusing on changing neighbourhoods, following the success of the 2016 event Streets Beyond – Beyond Streets
Dr Husam AlWaer AoU wins award for best article in ICE journal
Husam AlWaer AoU and co-author David Kirk (Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Dundee) have been awarded the Reed Mallik Award for the best Journal article of 2016 in the Journal of Urban Design and Planning by ICE Publishing for their paper ‘Matching a community assessment tool to the requirements of practice' . Husam also received this award in 2014 for his article ‘Improving contemporary approaches to...
Mapping and Memory in Banja Luka
Jelena Stankovic, who completed her PhD degree at the School of Architecture, University of Dundee, was invited by a non-profit organization - Center for Spatial Research - to present her PhD Thesis to the public in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina on 15th of November.The lecture entitled Invisible Banja Luka was a part of the series of lectures where young researches with international references got an opportunity to prese...