Articles from '2012'...

The Practice of Community Charrettes Design in the UK

| Symposium, Events

A Practitioners Symposium at University of Dundee Friday, 26th October 2012 Better engagement and collaboration with local communities is fundamental to the planning and delivery of sustainable places. This recognizes that local people contribute expert knowledge about 'their place' and will ultimately have responsibility as 'owners' or 'stewards' of the eventual outcomes. This key driver of the Scottish Government's interest in Charrette style processes raises the question of what does 'meaningful engagement and collaboration' look like? See the full Gallery, Report, Video...

Master Planning Process Under Current Conditions

Master Planning Process Under Current Conditions
| Lectures & Workshops, Geddes Institute, Planning, Architecture

A Practitioners Symposium at University of Dundee Held on Friday, 12th October 2012 Master-planning has had a strong revival in recent years. However, significant socio-demographic changes are on-going amidst the constraints of the current economic stagnation, the policy of reduced public spending and added pressure the search for growth places on the environment. This changing environment poses a major challenge for master-planning. The way we conceive of master-planning now requires re-visiting. The traditional perspective of master-planning as a design-led activity concerned with the architectural form ...