Resilient Coasts and Flourishing Seas?

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Symposium: Tuesday 28 April 2015 The Baxter Suite 1.36, Tower Building, University of Dundee (9.30-4pm)

Interested in Marine Spatial Planning? Want to know more about Scotland's first National Marine Plan? Why not attend a free event at the University of Dundee to find out more about what colleagues are researching in relation to the marine environment?

This one day symposium will bring together inter-disciplinary expertise from practice and across the Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience (CEHCR) and Offshore Renewables Institute to explore key issues with respect to the marine and land/sea interface. The event is intended to exchange information in relation to existing projects and practice with a view to sharing knowledge and identifying research priorities to implement Marine Spatial Planning.

Speakers include: Terry Dawson (marine protected areas and invasive species); Elizabeth Kirk (ecosystem management in international law); Lynne Falconer (aquaculture); Paul Mitchell (offshore renewables); Deborah Peel (linking the marine and terrestrial planning); Shona Turnbull (Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters pilot marine spatial plan) and colleagues from The James Hutton Institute.

See further details on the event URL at The event is sponsored by CECHR under the Incubator Funding.  Please contact Deborah Peel ( if you require more information.

Registration is required and places are limited.