Articles from '2017'...

Public Lecture Evening

| Geddes Institute, 2017

Carolyn Steel will be giving a public evening lecture on cities and the industrialised production and consumption of food next Friday, based on her recent research. Her work looks at how food has been and continues to be a determining factor in the morphological development of cities. Carolyn Steel is the author of The Hungary City: how food shapes our lives (2008). She is a director with Kilburn Nightingale Architects London. She teaches at Cambridge and the LSE cities unit.  Please see the poster for this event which is sponsored by Dundee Urban Orchard and the Geddes Institute for Ur...

Mapping and Memory in Banja Luka

| Architecture, Geddes Institute, 2017

Jelena Stankovic, who completed her PhD degree at the School of Architecture, University of Dundee, was invited by a non-profit organization - Center for Spatial Research - to present her PhD Thesis to the public in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina on 15th of November.The lecture entitled Invisible Banja Luka was a part of the series of lectures where young researches with international references got an opportunity to present their work to the citizens of Banja Luka. The lecture attracted a lot of attention of architecture students, as well as university staff, especially from the Faculty of Architectur...

Dr Husam AlWaer AoU wins award for best article in ICE journal


Husam AlWaer AoU and co-author David Kirk (Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Dundee) have been awarded the Reed Mallik Award for the best Journal article of 2016 in the Journal of Urban Design and Planning by ICE Publishing for their paper ‘Matching a community assessment tool to the requirements of practice' . Husam also received this award in 2014 for his article ‘Improving contemporary approaches to the master planning process'....