Mapping and Memory in Banja Luka
Published on Mon 20 Mar 2017
Jelena Stankovic, who completed her PhD degree at the School of Architecture, University of Dundee, was invited by a non-profit organization - Center for Spatial Research - to present her PhD Thesis to the public in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina on 15th of November.The lecture entitled Invisible Banja Luka was a part of the series of lectures where young researches with international references got an opportunity to present their work to the citizens of Banja Luka. The lecture attracted a lot of attention of architecture students, as well as university staff, especially from the Faculty of Architecture, Engineering and Geodesy in Banja Luke.
Thanks to this lecture, she was invited to speak about her work in the live morning programme on the National TV - RTRS on 16th of November, and on the same day, she gave an interview to the same TV for the programme called Banjalucka Panorama [Banja Luka’s Landscape].
She was also invited to join a team which organized the exhibition regarding the celebration of the International map year in Bosnia and Herzegovina, held in Banja Luka from 6th to 16th December. The maps of Banja Luka that she found in various institutions across the world were a part of this exhibition. This was an opportunity for the people of Banja Luka to see maps of their city, most for the first time, thanks to the permission that she got from the institutions in which these maps were originally stored.
The feedback that she received from the participants of the above-mentioned events shows that there is an interest for the application of this PhD research in practice.