Master Planning Process Under Current Conditions
Published on Fri 12 Oct 2012
A Practitioners Symposium at University of Dundee
Held on Friday, 12th October 2012
Master-planning has had a strong revival in recent years. However, significant socio-demographic changes are on-going amidst the constraints of the current economic stagnation, the policy of reduced public spending and added pressure the search for growth places on the environment. This changing environment poses a major challenge for master-planning. The way we conceive of master-planning now requires re-visiting. The traditional perspective of master-planning as a design-led activity concerned with the architectural form of buildings, spaces and infrastructures which is not only out-dated, but lacks the instruments needed to realize a visually pleasing townscape that is capable of sustaining such development. Uncertainty affecting market conditions and the availability of investment, as well as policy change will affect how master-planning can meet the challenge sustainable development poses. The symposium explores how the 'master-planning process' can meet this challenge and become the basis of just such a sustainable development.