CECHR Collaborative Research - Incubator Competition, 2017
Published On Wed 12 Oct 2016
Applications are invited for up to three ‘Incubator Grants’, sharing from a maximum fund of £3,000, to support new cross- and interdisciplinary projects aligned to the CECHR mission of promoting more sustainable and equitable futures. A key component will be that the project demonstrates the potential for generating future research funding.
Funding may be directed towards any aspect of the research process e.g. pilot studies, networking workshops, international team meetings [e.g. Horizon 2020] and fieldwork, and international/national visitor exchanges. Proposals should be limited to a single side of A4 using the application template attached. The significance of the research and the anticipated impacts should be clear along with a concise explanation of how the funds will be utilised. All projects must have a UoD collaborator and are expected to involve new ideas that are not supported through existing funding or centrally by the University. The criteria used for judging the applications is outlined on the attachment.
A final important consideration is that all funds allocated must be spent by the end of May 2017. Applications will be judged by an independent panel and the outcomes known by Monday 2<1st November 2016. A brief report acknowledging CECHR will be required upon completion, which will be published on the website and featured in the Annual Report.
Enquiries and completed applications should be submitted to the team at cechr@dundee.ac.uk. The deadline for submitting applications is noon on Friday 4th November 2016.