Dundee students on top at Drawing Places
Published on Fri 14 Nov 2014
Dundee students came out on top against students from Herriot Watt at this year's Drawing Places event, winning the prize for their masterplanning of an area of Knockroon.
Drawing Places is a Scottish Government initiative, intended to to bring planners and engineers back-to-basics on how to draw and visualise places. This session, aimed at students who are new to planning, was held over two days (12/13 Nov) at Dumfries House, in collaboratrion with the Prince's Foundation. After an intensive day spent developing drawing skills - and producing some impressive sketchbooks - the students visited Knockroon, the sustainable community which has been masterplanned by the Prince's Foundation. The rest of the second day was spent working in groups of five to produce their own masterplan for an area of Knockroon which has yet to be developed. The two Dundee groups, which included both undergraduate and postgraduate students in the first year of their planning studies, were praised by the organisers for their visualisation and conceptualisation - a winning combination.