University of Dundee University of Dundee
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May 2004

in this issue

a photo of lorraine kelly

Lorraine Kelly at her installation as University Rector. more...

a photo of gillian henny work

A preview of this month's annual degree show at DJCAD. more...a photo of  work

Prestigious Queen's award for energy centre

A Queen's Award for Enterprise has been awarded to the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP) - the first time the University has received this highly prestigious award.

The Centre has been recognised in the international trade category for its exports and for the growth of those exports during the last three years - 90% of the Centre's income comes from delivering courses to international students. The Centre is one of the few law centres in the UK to achieve such a high proportion of international income and to achieve this award in the international trade category.

In the last ten years CEPMLP has established itself as the leading international postgraduate institution in the field of energy and natural resources law and policy. It works with international organisations, governments and companies to formulate policies to address the challenges facing the world in the development of natural resources.

University Principal Sir Alan Langlands welcomed news of the award, saying, "Dundee's Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy is known throughout the world for its excellence and expertise in this vital and complex field. The Queen’s Award for Enterprise recognises an important aspect of this academic excellence - its potential for international export and enhancing the national, and local, economy. The award is a tribute to the quality, dedication and vision of the Centre's staff. We are very proud of their achievement."

Director of the CEPMLP Dr Philip Andrews-Speed said, "This award is very welcome recognition for the efforts put in by the staff over the last ten years or more to establish the Centre as a major player in its field. The Queen's Award shows that effective financial performance can sit comfortably alongside excellence in teaching and research."

Principal's Column
Graduation festivities revealed
Installation of new Rector Lorraine Kelly
TICR unveils second phase on target
Launch of 'Room to Rhyme'
Sir Peter Ustinov (1921-2004)
Smart gloves engineered by final year student
Retiring from engineering
Cancer conundrum cracked
Outstanding contribution to British biology
First degree validated by new postgraduate school
Professor appointed to leading role
Solutions for international water law
New centre for community development research opens
Scottish dictionary revolution
National award for Professor Robin Blair
Olympic champion congratulates sporting students
Eritrean nurses study for Dundee degree
Kenyan graduation for distance learning nurses
Court report
New chairs
Poetry prize for writer in residence
Book prize
New China energy book
Research Grants
Student e-learning survey
Psychology alumna returns to Dundee
Prize winning dental work
Celebrity ties
Hong Kong conference
Funfit club fruitie bar
Exhibitions update
Celebrating links with Geddes
The secret lives of librarians
Developing links with Russia
Archives images online
Berry Scotland update
Cycle safety
Glacier-Volcano interactions in Southern Chile
Sino-Scottish workshop
Conference success for Department of Law
Using magnetic resonance for embryology research
Degree show 2004

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Look for the next issue of Contact Magazine out on 22 September
Copy deadline for any contribution is Friday 3 September.

Web Pages maintained by Susan Ferguson
Contact Magazine Editor:Katherine Beattie
University of Dundee, Press Office, Dundee DD1 4HN
Tel: 01382 344021 Fax: 01382 345515