18 Jun 2014

Family and films fill the life of graduand Michal

During his time at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design (DJCAD), Michal Zagorski has won awards, had work screened at prestigious film festivals, established a production company and made music videos for bands but he is in no doubt about his greatest achievement – his baby daughter Aniela. Michal, originally from Krakow in Poland, will graduate with a degree in Time Based Art and Digital Film at the University of Dundee’s ceremony on the afternoon of Thursday, 19th June. Typically given the hectic schedule he has kept up over the past few years, he will be unable to attend his Grad...

Family and films fill the life of graduand Michal

18 Jun 2014

‘Getting down to Earth’ – Café Science Dundee on 23rd June

The next instalment of the Café Science Dundee series is set to get down and dirty in an attempt to explain why soil is so vital to life on this planet. Professor Wilfred Otten from Abertay University will lead the event, entitled ‘Getting down to Earth: a closer look at life below our feet’, at Avery & Co, South Tay Street, from 7pm on Monday, 23rd June. Professor Otten is Chair of Biophysics of Soil Ecosystems and Director of the SIMBIOS Centre at Abertay. His main research interest is to advance our understanding of soil science and the role of soil processes in ecosystem functi...

18 Jun 2014

Malena wins Wimberley Award 2014

Photo opportunity: 9.15am on Wednesday, 18th June outside Henry’s Coffee House, City Square. Malena and her family will be available ahead of the Graduation ceremony. Law graduand Malena Bruessel has been named this year’s winner of the University of Dundee’s Wimberley Award, given to the student who has made the most distinguished contribution to University life. Malena (22), who will graduate tomorrow, has combined her academic endeavours with participation in all aspects of student life during her time at Dundee. She is a founding member of the newly established Dundee International ...

17 Jun 2014

Professor Bruce Guthrie appointed Scottish Primary Care Research Champion

Professor Bruce Guthrie, of the University of Dundee, has been appointed to the post of Scottish Primary Care Research Champion. The Scottish Primary Care Research Champion is a new role, which takes on the responsibilities previously held by the Clinical Lead of the Scottish Primary Care Research Network. The appointment of Professor Guthrie was made by the Chief Scientist Office following a process of competitive recruitment. Professor Guthrie said, “It is an honour to take on this role, which will build on the work of Professor Frank Sullivan and all the Scottish Primary Care Research Network st...

17 Jun 2014

Graduation allows Norman’s family to celebrate his life

Photo opportunity: 1.45pm on Wednesday, 18th June outside Henry’s Coffee House, City Square. Gail and her family will be available ahead of collecting Norman’s degree.   Graduation is an emotional time for all involved but the University of Dundee’s ceremony on Wednesday afternoon will take on special significance for the family of the late Norman Riding. Norman, a former Royal Navy paramedic, died last November just months before completing his BSc Chemistry course following a five-year battle with cancer, leaving behind wife Gail, daughter Catie (10) and son Callum (12). He wil...