University of Dundee University of Dundee
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June 2005

in this issue

a photo of campus green

Update on the latest campus developments. more...

a photo of spin out

Launch of high-tech spin-out company. more...

a photo of Stephanie McAdam's work

Preview of the 2005 DJCAD degree show. more...

Leading architect unveils masterplan for campus

One of the UK's leading architects and masterplanners has unveiled a vision for the future of the University campus. Sir Terry Farrell - who designed the new Home Office headquarters in London and the Edinburgh International Conference Centre - has provided a masterplan, or framework, within which the campus might develop over the coming years, ensuring the coherence and quality of the environment as new buildings and needs emerge.

Consultation was a key feature of the process and members of the University Court, as well as over 60 staff, students and members of the community, attended a presentation and display of model and drawings in the Cooper Gallery, DJCAD.

As the campus building programme continues to develop, with key buildings such as the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and the Queen Mother Building due for completion over the summer, and work starting on new residences and a new faculty and teaching building, Sir Terry was keen to ensure that the redeveloped campus matches the needs and aspirations of its community.

He said, "With major buildings now well advanced, we are looking closely at maximising the ambience between them and with the rest of the city. This is a subtle but vital stage in the redevelopment process. We have given detailed examination to the character of the heart of the campus - the planned campus green - and how the campus and its buildings 'talk to' the precinct. With changes in the city surrounding the campus - Seabraes Yard, car parks, and riverside developments, there is also an emphasis on new routes linking to the surrounding city."

Sir Terry and his partnership are working with the University's Estates & Buildings Department, Dundee City Council and Scottish Enterprise Tayside in taking this forward.

"We will be taking note of all comments and using them to inform the next stage of the process," said David Yule, Director of Campus Services. Staff comments included requests for increased facilities for cyclists - already being addressed by the University - an interest in maximising attention on some of the older, more characterful buildings on campus, and the desire for outdoor social areas that could be used by staff in the summertime - which has been addressed by the proposed campus green.

The next stage of the process involves the incorporation, where possible, of the ideas and suggestions from the consultation process culminating in the issue of a brochure summarising the masterplan within the next two months.

Also involved is sculptor and artist David Mach recently named visiting Professor of Inspiration and Discovery who is developing ideas for a public work of art based on the life sciences which could be incorporated into the campus plan. Mach’s first sketches have just been unveiled.

Principal's Column
E-learning course scoops international award
Research reveals diabetes drug could prevent cancer
Campus development reaches second phase
Launch of hi-tech spin-out company
Spin-out to revolutionise surgical procedures
Planning application submitted for Clinical Research Centre
Launch of diabetes research centre
International artist sites waterfall on campus
Greenfiled receives honorary degree
Mach unveils ideas for campus artwork
DJCAD degree show 2005
Inaugural DJCAD alumni event
100% success for law student mooting
Harvard Scholarship for law student
Appointment of first Professor of Biotechnology
Historic alliance between Dundee and Dublin
Mentoring scheme launched for female academics
Research reveals how cells protect themselves against cancer
New post-doc association for School of Life Sciences
Forensic expertise reveals information about skeleton
Launch of world's first design guide on detailing for waste-efficiency
Promoting green travel at the University
Launch of urban ramblers walks
How Higher Education in the UK can help Sri Lanka
Court news
UK design project led from Dundee
University dentist indentifies tsunami victims
First staff pub quiz
Dundee graduate scoops 2005 book prize
Holyrood launch of DUP law division
Research Grants
Celebrating the Dundee/India connection
Prizes for Arts and Social Science high fliers
Thinking about museums
Czech tour for music group
Staff pub quizAppeal for staff donations for local charity
Conference addresses mental health strategies
University leads Rwandan scholarships project
Researcher breaks skiing record
McManus exhibition for former lecturer

Back Copies Production schedule

Look for the next issue of Contact Magazine out 21 September
Copy deadline for any contribution is 29 August

Web Pages maintained by Beverly Smeaton
Contact Magazine Editor:Elaine Mulcahy
University of Dundee, Press Office, Dundee DD1 4HN
Tel: 01382 384021 Fax: 01382 385515