Cameron Mcewan
According to the architect Aldo Rossi, the analogous city is formed of elements associated with the history of architecture and the city. Rossi's view of analogy is defined by the analogous city. By analogical reference and typological analysis, it is possible to guarantee meaning and relevance. The Architecture of Analogy, a design led investigation, explores how effective analogical reference and typological analysis could be in understanding the city and describing the sustainable, social and spatial texture of a place; recording the relationship of association, familiarity, memory and mood within the Architecture of Analogy framework; and in the process, assess the implication of the methodology as a generator of architectural form. I will introduce the PhD by describing a design proposition for Blackness, Dundee, completed as part of my Year 5 Thesis, discuss a charrette-style project, and then consider the initial stages of my research.