This Geddes Fellows Seminar is conducted by Paul Guzzardo and Alona Martinez-Perez. Guzzardo is a lawyer-turned-media activist/artist. He is based in St. Louis and Buenos Aires, and is a Fellow at the Geddes Institute for Urban Research in Dundee. His work in new media looks at the effect of digital information on the design and use of public space, and the relationship between digital technology and the street. Hackerspace comes to Dundee from Belfast. A "Hackerspace" keynote lecture opens at the Ulster Festival of Art Design. A "Hackerspace" workshop is scheduled the week of March 19th at PLACE, the Northern Ireland architectural center. The four day Belfast Workshop, which has been organized by Alona Martinez-Perez, a Belfast-based urbanist, planner and architect, will involve Ulster students, architects and urban designers. The goal is to generate "on the street prototypes" that intersect with web based social media applications. The workshop also examines FACEBOOK's "frictionless sharing applications", and how these "apps" edit us and the street. Guzzardo and Martinez-Perez will present the Belfast Workshop results at the seminar. Guzzardo and Martinez-Perez are Fellows at the Geddes Institute for Urban Research at the University of Dundee.
Guzzardo installed "A Walk on the Digital Sublime" in the Lower Foyer Gallery and at the Dalhousie Bulding. The exhibitions explored Guzzardo's on going dispute with the 2012 National Endowment of the Arts awardee Emily Pulitzer of the Pulitzer Foundation of the Arts. The Guzzardo - Pulitzer dispute is now the subject of a documentary in the making, Posses, Protocols and Perpwalks.