9 May 2018

Interpersonal touch helps people evaluate mistakes

A loved one’s touch might help people perform difficult mental tasks better and deal with setbacks more effectively, according to new research from the University of Dundee. Touch between people is central to communication, socialisation, and wellbeing. Despite this importance, touch is relatively understudied by psychologists compared to other forms of communication. To explore how touch impacts on the ways in which people control performance in relation to goals, Dr Blair Saunders from the University of Dundee, in collaboration with researchers from Humboldt University, Berlin, and the University...

Interpersonal touch helps people evaluate mistakes

9 May 2018

Royal Society honour for Professor Tracy Palmer

Professor Tracy Palmer of the University of Dundee has been named a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS), the world's oldest scientific academy in continuous existence. Professor Palmer holds a Chair in Molecular Microbiology in the School of Life Sciences at Dundee. Her research career has been focussed on the study of bacteria. She is particularly interested in the processes by which bacteria such as E. coli interact with their surroundings and has published over 100 papers on the subject, gaining international recognition as one of the leading experts in the field. The Royal Society is the national acade...

Royal Society honour for Professor Tracy Palmer

8 May 2018

ESA recognition for Dundee technology

The European Space Agency (ESA) has showcased the importance of technology developed at the University of Dundee to aid the planetary landing of spacecraft. Planet and Asteroid Natural Scene Generation Utility (PANGU) is a powerful set of tools that model the surfaces of planetary bodies such as Mars, the Moon, Mercury and asteroids using real and synthetic data. Developed by the University’s Space Technology Centre, PANGU is currently being used by spacecraft engineers around the world, including the team working on ExoMars rover, which is scheduled to touch down on the red planet in 2020. The ES...

ESA recognition for Dundee technology

7 May 2018

Dundee and NUS partner for new joint degree programme

The University of Dundee and the National University of Singapore (NUS) have established a new partnership which will see students share their study time between Scotland and Singapore and earn a degree from both institutions. NUS and Dundee are both globally prominent in the field of life sciences and offer top-quality teaching and excellent student experience. The new Bachelor of Science degree programme jointly offered by the two universities combines these qualities in a package which allows students to experience life and study in both the UK and Asia. The new four-year programme was formally launch...

Dundee and NUS partner for new joint degree programme

4 May 2018

Computing Degree Show 2018

Digital pioneers from the University of Dundee will be showcasing their innovative and thought-provoking work at the Computing Degree Show 2018 today. Software engineers, games developers, computer programmers and tech entrepreneurs are among the graduating students whose creative talents will be celebrated at the event, which takes place at the University’s Queen Mother Building. More than 70 students about to complete the final year of their undergraduate courses will be on hand to demonstrate their work at the show on Friday 4 May. A wide range of visitors, including employers and industry profe...

Computing Degree Show 2018