QAA report confirms 'robust arrangements for academic standards and quality enhancement' at the University of Dundee

The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) has confirmed there are robust arrangements for academic standards and quality enhancement at the University of Dundee.

Following an Enhancement-led Institutional Review (ELIR) that took place in October and November last year, QAA reviewers judged that the University has effectivearrangements for managing academic standards and enhancing the student learning experience. This is the most positive judgement given by ELIR Panels and means the University has robust arrangements for securing academic standards and for enhancing the quality of the student experience.

The review identified a number of examples of positive practice, including:

  • Effective development and implementation of Vision and Strategy - The University has been reflective and self-evaluative in developing its new Vision and Strategy. This has involved effective consultation and communication with staff and students, who have a clear understanding of the strategic direction and objectives of the institution. There is an effective approach to the implementation of strategy through strategic leadership and the committee structure, and operational planning is clearly linked to institutional strategy.
  • Student engagement - Students are very positive about their experience of the University. There is a strong partnership with the Dundee University Students’ Association, and student representation is embedded at all levels of the institution. During the review students confirmed that their views are actively sought and contribute to the University’s enhancement agenda.
  • Proactive student support - The University is successful in supporting a diverse student population. Academic and professional services provide integrated support across individual services for all students, both pre and post enrolment, as well as effectively targeting support for particular student groups. Feedback from students is particularly positive in relation to Disability Services, the Careers Service and the Library and Learning Centre. There is a proactive approach to supporting the progression and development of postgraduate research students. In particular, these students are very positive about the support provided by thesis monitoring committees and the generic skills training delivered by Organisational and Professional Development.

 The review also made some recommendations for improvements, for example:

  • Recognition of prior learning - Progress the planned review of assessment policy including the policy for the recognition of prior leaning. In particular, the University should ensure that, following the review, policy relating to exemptions granted for the award of second taught postgraduate master's degrees meets sector expectations.
  • Support for postgraduate students who teach - Ensure that appropriate training and support is in place for all postgraduate students who are involved in teaching and assessment.

In Scotland, Enhancement-led Institutional Reviews (ELIRs) are carried out by teams of peer reviewers. The review of the University of Dundee was carried out by:

  • Professor Graham Caie (Academic Reviewer)
  • Dr Tess Goodliffe (International Reviewer)
  • Ms Elizabeth Marshall (Coordinating Reviewer)
  • Professor Diane Meehan (Academic Reviewer)
  • Mr Conor Murray-Gauld (Student Reviewer)
  • Professor Clare Pickles (Academic Reviewer)

 “The University is extremely pleased to receive this confirmation from the QAA of the rigour of its academic standards and of its effective approach to quality enhancement and assurance.  We work closely with the Students’ Association to encourage and disseminate best practice and to ensure that robust mechanisms are in place to maintain high standards across the University’s provision,” said Professor Karl Leydecker, Vice-Principal (Learning and Teaching) at the University. 

“This report is a testament to the dedication of our staff and Students’ Association in putting students and their learning experience at the heart of what we do.”

DUSA President Iain MacKinnon stated, “It’s great to see the strong partnership between the University and the Students’ Association highlighted in the report. We’re incredibly proud of the fact that not only do the University include students at every level of decision-making, but they actively seek out our opinions out and let us influence changes on campus which are providing a huge benefit to everyone who studies at Dundee.

“DUSA and the student experience at Dundee continually perform extremely well in every national survey we take part in, and we feel that this strong relationship is key to this continued success.”

Notes to editor

  1. For more information, please contact Linzi Crawford at or 0141 572 3429.
  2. The review carried out at the University of Dundee was an Enhancement-led Institutional Review (ELIR). More information on ELIR is available at
  3. The report on the University of Dundee is available on the QAA website
  4. QAA safeguards the public interest in the quality and standards of UK higher education. We check how UK universities and colleges maintain their academic standards and quality. We review and report on how they meet their responsibilities, identify good practice and make recommendations for improvement. We publish guidelines to help UK universities and colleges develop effective systems to ensure students have the best learning experience. Further information is available at
  5. QAA Scotland has operated an enhancement-led approach to quality in the Scottish university sector since 2003. This is an integrated system including:
  • a four-year cycle of institutional reviews (ELIR)
  • a national programme of Enhancement Themes
  • the engagement of students in quality
  • an agreed set of public information provided by each institution, and
  • a comprehensive suite of reviews at the subject and programme levels managed by the institutions and reviewed as part of ELIR.

Further information about the enhancement-led approach can be found at 

Information about the Enhancement Themes can be viewed at 

For media enquiries contact:
Roddy Isles
Head of Corporate Communications
University of Dundee
Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4HN
Tel: +44 (0)1382 384910
Mobile: 07800 581902