Penny the Pig to encourage students not to flush money down the toilet
Published On Mon 9 Feb 2015 by Grant Hill

A pig on the pan will tomorrow be helping to make students at the University of Dundee aware of some of the ways they waste money.
Penny the Pig, the Student Funding Unit mascot, will be manning a temporary and thankfully unused toilet at Dundee University Students’ Association (DUSA) from 11am-3pm. She will be encouraging students to think about the various ways they’ve wasted money, jot their experiences down and “flush” them down the toilet.
Staff from the Student Funding Unit will then collate the answers and use them as part of the advice they give students in future. The event is taking place as part of National Student Money Week, a national event created and supported by the National Association of Student Money Advisers.
Sharon Sweeney, Student Funding Officer, said, “Our mascot Penny will be encouraging students to think about money they spent that would have been as well flushed down the toilet. This is a visual aid to get them thinking about ways in which they can better manage their finances and also help other students to do the same.”
Throughout National Student Money Week universities, colleges and student unions will run activities that raise student awareness of the free advice and support available from their institutions and provide them with information, advice and guidance about money management.
Other events taking place at Dundee this week include a money quiz, drop-in sessions and a ‘Hogs and Kisses’ session where Penny will be helping love-rich but cash-poor students to celebrate Valentine’s Day without breaking the bank.
For media enquiries contact:
Grant Hill
Press Officer
University of Dundee
Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4HN
TEL: 01382 384768
MOBILE: 07854 953277