iGEM team to show off their `forensic toolkit’ at Café Science

The University of Dundee’s student iGEM team has just returned from the World finals of the competition in Boston with a Gold Medal. Now they are set to show off their work to the public at the latest Café Science in Dundee next week.

The iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine ) competition is a global challenge for students which asks them to tackle a real world problem by designing and building a new device or system from a kit of biological parts. Dundee has a strong record of success in the competition, having scooped a succession of prizes in recent years.

This year’s team have been developing a forensic `toolkit’ that will allow investigators to determine the age of fingerprints, detect traces of steel on bone from stabbings, and produce a biosensitive spray that can reveal traces of bodily fluids at crime scenes.

Forensic science is used across the World to provide evidence in courts and can have a strong influence on the court’s decision. However, very few new techniques with a sound scientific basis have been developed in the last 30 years.

The student team hope their ‘Forensic Toolkit’, which they have developed with the help of the world-leading researchers working at the University’s Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification (CAHID), will improve the efficiency at which crime scene investigators detect and analyse evidence.

Niamh Nic Daeid, Professor of Forensic Science at CAHID, said, “This is a fantastic project and the great benefit for the forensic community, apart from tackling some important challenges, is that the project is starting out with a strong scientific foundation and building the applications from there, whereas in many contemporary forensic science methods the science is still lacking behind the applications. We need to develop a stronger scientific base across much of forensic science and this is an important contribution.”

The team will show off their toolkit and discuss the possible impact of it at the Café Science event on Monday October 12th at Avery & Co, 34 South Tay Street. The event starts at 7pm and is free. There is no need to book in advance but arrive early to avoid disappointment.



(Photo shows the iGEM team with crime author Stuart MacBride)


Roddy Isles

Head of Press

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email: r.isles@dundee.ac.uk