Health Secretary launches Academic Health Science Partnership in Tayside

Shona Robison MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Sport has launched the Academic Health Science Partnership in Tayside, marking a major new step forward in delivering world-class health research, education and services.

The AHSP builds on the longstanding collaborations between the University of Dundee and NHS Tayside and is the first formal Academic Health Science Partnership in Scotland. It joins an international network of similar centres in the UK, Europe, USA and around the world.

AHSP is jointly supported by the University, NHS Tayside and the Scottish Government. 

Health Secretary Shona Robison said, “I am delighted to be here to formally launch the partnership between the University of Dundee and NHS Tayside - The Tayside Academic Health Sciences partnership. The partnership brings together the delivery of healthcare services, education, quality improvement and research with the purpose of improving the health of the population.

“This is the first example of such a collaboration in Scotland and it shows how academia and the NHS can work together to improve healthcare for patients. I want to congratulate those in Tayside for seizing the initiative and I’m pleased that we have been able to provide funding to test this model of partnership working.”

Professor Jill Belch, University Co-Director of AHSP, said, “AHSP will create new opportunities and ways to harness the wealth of knowledge, experience and excellence in the University and NHS Tayside to deliver new discoveries and innovation that will improve the health of people and transform healthcare in Tayside and beyond.”

Professor Dilip Nathwani, Consultant Physician and Co-Director of AHSP, said, “On behalf of NHS Tayside it is an honour and privilege to lead this unique multi-professional partnership in Scotland.

“We have a fantastic opportunity here and there is a real sense of excitement across the academic and healthcare professional communities. The Academic Health Science Partnership will bring added value and efficiencies in our desire to deliver more effective, innovative and economically prudent healthcare.”

AHSP has been established by the University of Dundee and NHS Tayside to bring together and build on existing collaborations that improve health and save lives through world class research, education, service quality and patient safety improvement as well as unique health informatics resources and facilities.  

During the visit to Ninewells Hospital and the University Medical School, the Cabinet Secretary was given an insight into University and NHS joint work delivering tangible benefits to patients and population health.

For more on the Academic Health Science Partnership see:

For media enquiries contact:
Roddy Isles
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