Graduand’s cancer prevention device wins him award
Published On Tue 23 Jun 2015 by Grant Hill
The educational journey of more than 3000 University of Dundee students will conclude this week and a designer who has already won an award for a wearable device he hopes will help to prevent skin cancer is among the graduands looking to make their mark on the world.
Stuart Clark will receive his degree in Product Design during the University’s afternoon graduation ceremony at Caird Hall on Wednesday, 24th June. While he is on the stage he will also be presented with the Scottish Cancer Prevention Network Art & Design Prize 2015 for ‘Exposed’, his final year project to help users track the levels of UV rays their skin is absorbing.
Rates of the most dangerous form of skin cancer (malignant melanoma) in the UK have risen faster than any other of the top 10 cancers and cumulative lifetime UV exposure generates the greatest risk of developing the illness.
‘Exposed’ is a smart bracelet UV indicator which changes colour depending on the UV levels surrounding the user. The wearable device is aimed at young people new to the outdoors and its design takes the form of a Paracord Bracelet. The overall function is to be used in an emergency, but incorporating this smart UV feature allows it to be used on a daily basis.
Twenty-one-year-old Stuart, originally from Paisley, said, “I’m absolutely delighted to have won this award and really excited to be receiving it at the same time as I graduate. I’ve never won anything like this before so to win the award together with getting my degree is great.
“The idea for ‘Exposed’ came as a result of my experiences as a scout leader. I took a group to the international scout jamborette and working there as a first-aider meant I was dealing with loads of kids with serious sunburn. That got me thinking about creating something that could help prevent these kids getting burnt.
“I am keen to take the project forward. I am working an internship in Edinburgh over the summer and I hope to develop it for the market and make it commercially viable. I really want to make a difference to young people and stop them damaging their skin and storing up problems for the future.”
The annual SCPN Art & Design Prize is run by the Network, which is based at Ninewells Hospital. Applications are open to final year students at Scotland’s Art Colleges and entries may be in any medium, but should involve behaviours which are identified as impacting on our risk of developing cancer e.g. bodyweight, physical activity/inactivity, smoking, alcohol consumption, UV radiation etc.
SCPN co-founder and Director Professor Annie Anderson said, “The Scottish Cancer Prevention Network was delighted to receive so many interesting, novel and cutting edge entries for its Art & Design prize this year. We had great fun viewing all the entries – all were of a very high standard which made the job of selecting a winner very difficult.”
The University’s Graduation ceremonies take place from Wednesday 24th to Friday 26th June in the Caird Hall in Dundee. Around 3500 students will receive their degrees and diplomas over the course of the week, one of the highlights of the academic calendar.
Stuart will be accompanied by his parents, girlfriend and other members of his family at his graduation ceremony.
For media enquiries contact:
Grant Hill
Press Officer
University of Dundee
Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4HN
TEL: 01382 384768
MOBILE: 07854 953277