Exceptional students recognised for achievements

The annual Life & Biomedical Sciences Education Student Awards at the University of Dundee will this week recognise the accomplishments of dozens of high-achieving undergraduates.

Thirty-six students will be congratulated for their hard work over the last academic year in ‘The Street’ at the Discovery Centre, School of Life Sciences, on Thursday, 12th November.

The top prize winners this year are Jennifer Wood (23) from Perth, and Fiona Plain (22) from Trenant.  Jennifer is to receive four prizes in total, the Biological Sciences Stream Prize, the D'Arcy Thompson Commemorative Medal, the Molecular Biology Honours Prize and the Society of Biology Award. Fiona will be awarded the Pharmacology Honours Prize together with the Sir James Black Award for Outstanding Achievement award.  Both students graduated in June of this year with First Class BSc Honours degrees.

Professor David Coates, Associate Dean and Director of Life and Biomedical Sciences Education at the School of Life Sciences, said, “It is always a privilege to congratulate our prize-winners on their awards and recognise their achievements. They have worked hard to excel in their studies and seeing these high-achieving students receiving their awards will help to inspire their peers to do the same.”

The award ceremony will be followed by a reception at The Street area of the Discovery Centre for Translational and Interdisciplinary Research.

For media enquiries contact:
Grant Hill
Press Officer
University of Dundee
Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4HN
Tel: +44 (0)1382 384768
Mobile: 07854 953277
Email: g.hill@dundee.ac.uk