DUSA TV Launches Customer Safety Documentary
Published On Tue 3 Feb 2015 by Grant Hill

Dundee University Students’ Association (DUSA) has produced a short film documenting the work carried out by its Customer Safety team.
Since the start of September, DUSA TV, the student-led online television channel, has been following and filming the organisation’s evening staff as they help keep students safe on nights out. The 11-minute documentary shows the work that goes into ensuring that DUSA remains the safest venue in the city.
DUSA TV Manager Gillian Howieson said, “This short documentary was made to show that the Customer Safety team, which is made up almost entirely of student staff, is much more than just a security team. An enormous amount of work goes into running each night’s events and it is these people who make that happen.”
The film takes the viewer through the challenges that staff face while highlighting the measures and standards put in place that have helped DUSA to be voted Scotland’s top students’ union for several years running
Tim Hustler, DUSA’s Honorary Secretary who coordinated the project, said, “We made this as part of a larger campaign to show to students that the staff that they see on a night out in their union are almost entirely students themselves from the Customer Safety and Bars staff to the DUSA Executive. We hope to make more documentaries like this in the future.”
The documentary has the support of DUSA’s staffs with Operations Manager Chris Clarke stating, “Customer Safety are a unique department within our and any students’ association due to the burden on them to ensure that our members and their guests can enjoy a safe and secure night out. We have an incredibly professional and well-trained team of staff who take this duty of care very seriously, and we believe this sets us apart for all other venues in the city.”
The documentary is now available to view online on DUSA TV’s YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISPJ6d3Ad4.
For media enquiries contact:
Grant Hill
Press Officer
University of Dundee
Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4HN
TEL: 01382 384768
E-MAIL: g.hill@dundee.ac.uk
MOBILE: 07854 953277