University of Dundee University of Dundee
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Medal for outstanding achievement

a photo of Prof Sir Philip Cohen.

Professor Sir Philip Cohen has been selected as one of only three individuals to receive Royal Medals from the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE), for his outstanding contribution to Life Sciences.

Lauded for carrying out work that has brought public benefit on a global scale, Sir Philip received his medal from the Royal Society of Edinburgh’s President, Lord Sutherland of Houndwood at a ceremony in The Royal Society of Edinburgh.

President of The Royal Society of Edinburgh, Lord Sutherland of Houndwood, said, "The impact of The Royal Medallists’ commitment and achievement has transcended academic boundaries, effecting a profound influence on the lives of people in Scotland, the United Kingdom and internationally."

It was also recently announced that Sir Phillip will become the next president of the Biochemical Society in January 2006.

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