Summer school turns 10

The University's Access Summer School celebrated its 10th anniversary this summer.

Since the first Access Summer School was held by the Wider Access Study Centre in 1993, more than 750 students to have passed through it. Of the 96% who finished the course, 78% have immediately won a place at the University of Dundee, while many others have taken up places at other higher or further education institutions. The Access Summer School's 2002 external examiner described the school as 'the best at what it does in these islands', stating, "Dundee has continued its high standards and maintains its position as a national leader in widening access".

Speaking of the Summer School's achievements over the last 10 years, Dr John Blicharski, Director of the Wider Access Study Centre, said, "Higher Education in Scotland has a long tradition of helping people, regardless of their background, grow into successful graduates. Since 1993, the Access Summer School has made a substantial contribution in providing a route for those held back by adversity to prepare and then thrive at the University of Dundee, thus opening the door to a brighter future for nearly 800 disadvantaged new undergraduates who might otherwise takes years to catch up with their more privileged peers."

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