New members of University Court

John Milligan
John Milligan is a co-opted lay member of Court. He began his working life as a miner at the age of 16, but subsequently became a mature student at Strathclyde University and qualified as a mechanical engineer. He rose to become Chairman and Chief Executive of Atlantic Powers & Gas, eventually buying out his co-investors and former employers Babcock International. He sold the business in 2000 and now owns Ballathie Estate near Perth. He is a visiting professor of Entrepreneurial Studies at The Robert Gordon University and a long-standing member (including three years as chairman) of their Board of Governers. He has a strong interest in the Government's 'welfare to work' campaign and in developing links between industry and schools.

Councillor Maggie Taylor
Councillor Taylor is the representative for Fife Council. In 1999 she received her MA (Hons) degree from Dundee University and the following year, as Liberal Democrat candidate for Tayport and Motray, she won a by-election with a huge majority. She is now heavily involved with local politics and serves on Fife Council committees. She is also a J.P. and represents Fife Council on the Tay Road Bridge Board. She works with homeless people and is heavily involved with Tayside Council on Alcohol.

Councillor Lorraine Caddell
Councillor Caddell has represented the Craigie area of Perth for the Liberal Democrats since 1984. At present she is Convener of the Planning Committee and also sits on the Development Control Committee and the Strategic Policy & Resources Committee. She is also a member of the Tayside Joint Valuation Board (Vice Convener) and Tayside Contracts’ Joint Committee. She represents the Council on several outside bodies and is the Council representative for NHS Tayside sitting on the board on the Clinical Governance Committee. She also runs the successful St Johnstone Nursing Home in Perth and is involved in local voluntary groups.

Professor Alan F Newell
Professor Newell came to the University in 1980. He has been Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and was Deputy Principal of the University between 1992 and 1995. He was Head of the Applied Computing Department until 2002. Professor Newell is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the British Computer Society, Institution of Electrical Engineers, and an Honorary Fellow Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists. He was appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire for services to IT and communication for people with disabilities in the 2000 Queen’s Birthday Honours list.

Professsor David I Rowley
Professor Rowley has held the post of Academic Head of the Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery at the University since October 1988 and has been newly appointed as Deputy Dean of the Medical Faculty. In April of this year he was appointed as Director of Education at the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh. He is a lower limb construction surgeon now entirely in the elective field and runs a global audit and outcomes unit assessing the long term results of hip and knee replacements. Professor Rowley has a particular interest in knee arthroplasty and in foot surgery and biomechanics. He has carried out infection studies for the International Committee of the Red Cross and undertaken several field missions.

Chris Bustin
Chris has served on the Executive Committee of the Students' Association for four years - three of which as Deputy President. He graduated in Law and Applied Languages. As well as being President of the Students' Association, he is also President of Northern Services and President of the Scottish Students' Debating Council.

Michael Coughtie was also elected by the Senate as a non-professorial representative. He was subsequently appointed to a Personal Chair, however, so will be replaced in a further election.

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