Explorers invited to delve into the history of River Eden
Published On Fri 8 Sep 2017 by Dominic Younger

Enthusiasts and citizen scientists are invited to join geographers and environmental photographers from the University of Dundee to explore the historic effects of climate change on the River Eden in Fife.
On Saturday, 16th September, local explorers will be able to join in a Cupar river walk to examine the history of the River Eden and consider the effects of climate change.
They are also invited to get hands on in a photography workshop on Sunday, 17th September with the acclaimed landscape & environmental photographer Tracey Dixon at Birnie & Gaddon Lochs.
Andrew Black, Senior Lecturer in Geography at the University, said, “With climate change continually seen as a threat to people and places around the world, much can be gained from considering what these global threats might mean in a local context.
“Historical maps show the River Eden to have had at least 23 mills in the 19th century. These mills were built in the expectation of a reasonably secure flow, but what do we know about the reliability of the water over the years? What can we learn from the past when we think about growing demands from a resource-hungry society today? Join us to find out.”
The walk is being organised as part of a UK Research Council-funded project on Drought Risk and You – dryproject.co.uk and in partnership with Ian Copland from Cupar Heritage.
Those interested in the Eden and the bigger picture can register for the walk here: http://uod.ac.uk/2wMOlMA
Photography workshop tickets are available at http://uod.ac.uk/2wMJZVL
For further information please contact Andrew Black: 01382 384433 or a.z.black@dundee.ac.uk
Image: Local wildlife by Tracey Dixon
For media enquiries contact:
Dominic Glasgow
Media Relations Officer
University of Dundee
Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4HN
Tel: +44 (0)1382 385131
Email: d.w.glasgow@dundee.ac.uk