`Ben Nevis’ of tablet brings almost £60,000 to cancer research

A mountain of homemade tablet taller than Ben Nevis has helped a Dundee woman raise almost £60,000 for breast cancer research.

Fiona Edwards has been selling her homemade tablet at running events and through friends and family around Tayside and Fife since 2003 to support breast cancer research at the University of Dundee. In 2016 she raised over £6000, bringing her total to just under £60,000.

“I’ve worked out that if all the tablet I’ve made was stacked up it would be taller than Ben Nevis!” said Fiona.

“I still sell much of the tablet at running events across Tayside – the runners are always very good to me – and through my fitness club and family and friends,” added Fiona, who is a keen runner herself.

Fiona will be continuing her fundraising efforts in 2017 with one change – since she started selling the tablet in 2003 she has charged £1 for two bars but now the price, and hopefully the amount raised for charity, is rising.

"I've worked out that if all the tablet I’ve made was stacked up it would be taller than Ben Nevis!"

“I’ve always sold two bars for £1 but due to the cost of buying ingredients it is going up to £1.50. My rates of inflation have been frozen for 13 years!”

All of the money raised by Fiona goes to support breast cancer research in the University’s Medical School. This now includes pioneering research using 3D mammograms to help detect and measure breasts cancers in women presenting with symptoms. 

Andrew Evans, Professor of Breast Imaging in the Medical School and Honorary Consultant Radiologist with NHS Tayside, said, “We are hugely indebted to Fiona for the magnificent contribution she makes to supporting cancer research, and breast cancer in particular.

“The monies raised through charity are absolutely vital support for breast cancer research. We could not do the work we do without the support of people like Fiona.”


For media enquiries contact:
Roddy Isles
Head of Corporate Communications
University of Dundee
Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4HN
Tel: +44 (0)1382 384910
Mobile: 07800 581902
Email: r.isles@dundee.ac.uk