10,000th user signs up to ‘My Diabetes My Way’ website.
Published On Thu 1 Sep 2016 by Cara Longmuir

Over 10,000 people across Scotland are now using the ‘My Diabetes My Way’ website to access their medical records online.
Developed at the University of Dundee, in collaboration with NHS Scotland, the website allows patients to have online access to test results, clinic letters and their very own treatment plan.
It also contains multimedia resources aimed at improving self-management, including traditional information leaflets, interactive educational tools, videos describing diabetes-related complications and testimonials from people with diabetes talking about their experiences.
Dr Scott Cunningham, Technical Lead for My Diabetes My Way, said, “This is fantastic recognition of the work the ‘My Diabetes My Way’ team has done over the last few years.
“Every day we hear from users that our website is a useful tool that not only aids self-management, but improves a patient’s knowledge of their condition.
“This service is genuinely unique worldwide, providing records access to an entire national population. With the ongoing investment in online services, Scotland will be in a prime position to support new and emerging models of care.”
The website has already won numerous awards, including Best Online Stakeholder Site at the Institute of Internal Communications Awards 2014, and the Best Initiative Supporting Self Care Award at the Quality in Care Diabetes Awards 2014.
Clinician Dr Deborah Wake said, “Our award-winning platform aims to help people with all types of diabetes.
“Patients using MyDiabetesMyWay appear more informed and able to self-manage their diabetes which improves their long-term prospects. It is a great tool that I would recommend without hesitation. We are very lucky in Scotland to have this.
“Diabetes is an expanding health challenge, which is why we are looking to take the website to a global market.”
‘My Diabetes My Way’ is also in the running for this year’s Converge Challenge, a top entrepreneurial competition. The team are competing to win a £150,000 prize fund. The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony in Edinburgh on Thursday, September 22nd.
For more information about ‘My Diabetes My Way’ go to www.mydiabetesmyway.scot.nhs.uk.
For media enquiries contact:
Cara Longmuir
Media Relations Officer
University of Dundee
Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4HN
Tel: +44 (0)1382 385243
Email: c.z.longmuir@dundee.ac.uk