Mat Fleming: Seeing through the see-through
This exhibition is the result of a nine month residency by Mat Fleming in the Dundee Imaging Facility in the School of Life Sciences supported by The Leverhulme Trust. Mat Fleming is an artist based in Newcastle who has long worked in collaboration with others to make his art including films, moving image installations, music videos, and prints, as well as to create cinemas, curate screenings and run workshops in shooting, editing and processing film. During his residency Fleming has collaborated with scientists Alan Prescott, Jens Januscke and others, and this exhibition brings an artist’s view to both the history and current practice of creating micrographs, ranging in media from film and photography to hand-drawn animations based on digital images.
29 October 2015 - 20 February 2016
Preview: Thursday 29 October 2015, 5-7pm
Exhibition tour with the curator, artist and scientist at 5pm. Refreshments provided and all welcome.
Life Sciences Open Day: Saturday 7 November 2015, 11am-5pm
Part of Imagine, Explore, Discover -Science at the University of Dundee
LifeSpace opening times:
Saturday 11am-5pm
Monday to Friday by appointment only
Image credit: Mat Fleming, Stain (film strips), 2015. Courtesy of the artist.