Court report

by David Duncan, University Secretary

The University Court - met in its newly acquired Gardyne Road campus for the first time on 17 December to mark the merger between the University and Northern College. Court members toured the building before their meeting viewing the extensive facilities and the current home of the newly created faculty of education and social work.

In his introductory remarks, the Chairman, Mr Larry Rolland paid tribute to the work of Deputy Principal, Professor Peter Howie, who was attending his last Court meeting before retirement. Mr Rolland thanked Professor Howie for his outstanding service to the University and for his strong commitment to multi-professional aspects of health care, both locally and nationally.

Principal Sir Alan Langlands told the Court that the research performance of the University was one of the most impressive in the UK judging from the results of the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise announced last week with international excellence now recognised across a range of disciplines. "Looking at the figures for the whole of the UK, the University of Dundee has not only improved its positioning in relation to other institutions - it has risen more than almost any university, save Manchester." He paid warm tribute to the staff of all the departments involved. The Court greeted the results with enthusiasm and congratulated all those departments that had maintained or improved their standing.

The Court went on to endorse plans for an internal reorganisation of the management structure of the university, following the review of central services. The final report of the review group, which is available to staff on the University web-site, outlines plans for organisational re-structuring, a revision of the Court committee structure, improving quality and standards of service, introducing a universal performance appraisal and staff development system, and reallocating resources in certain areas. Implementation of the proposals will commence in January.

The Court also agreed changes in the running of the University nursery, which has been overseen by a group of dedicated parents and staff. From 1 February, the University will assume formal responsibility for the 40-place nursery. A working party will be set up in collaboration with Dundee City Council to explore ways of maintaining and enhancing nursery and childcare provision.

The next meeting of the Court will take place at Ninewells Hospital on 11 February 2002. A subsequent meeting during the current academic session will be held at the Kirkcaldy campus.

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