Spin out negotiates deal with mobile giant Orange

Recent University spin out company Calico Jack is in contract talks with the mobile phone giant Orange to develop applications for the next generation of mobile phones.

Calico Jack is working on a software framework, called Jackdaw, that will allow mobile phone users to carry out complex tasks using a limited device interface. Chief Executive Paul Sergeant said that the Jackdaw technology enables end users to set up a number of scenarios that have to be met and the software is then smart enough to interrogate the data and present the information back under the desired requirements. Chris Reed, a lecturer in the division of applied computing, and Ian Ricketts, head of applied computing, are also involved in the work.

Research and innovation services' commercialisation facilitator John MacKenzie has been working closely with Calico Jack and has helped them secure a £45,000 SMART award from the Scottish Executive. The company has also been supported by the Connect network and SET.

The firm, which is taking on two new members of staff, will be based at Interactive Tayside business incubator in Argyle House, Marketgait.

The University of Dundee has become increasingly active in the area of spin out company formation. Of the twelve companies formed to date, six have been set up since 2000.

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