Ian Stevenson retires

He has notched up over 150 publications, been invited speaker at over 30 international meetings, headed a department, a division and a range of initiatives in the academic, community, fundraising and sporting worlds.

He spent four years as vice principal of the University and a summer as a tram conductor... professor of pharmacology Ian Stevenson's all-round contribution was recognised at a retirement dinner recently in the Bonar Hall. Colleagues and former colleagues Professor Jerry Lambert, Bob Seaton, Dr Pat McPherson and Gordon Small were among those who paid tribute to the "department dinosaur", the "sporting academic", the "fund raiser" and the "Dundee lad".

A fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, his research interests lay in drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics and age-related pharmacology but Ian also found time to play squash - latterly at Scottish international vintage level - and to put time into the community. He served as head of the department of pharmacology and clinical pharmacology, head of the division of pharmacology and, as vice principal convened many senior university committees.

Among his impressive list of roles past and present is vice chairman of Tenovus Scotland, chairman of the Sensation Science Centre, co-founder in 1982 of one of the university's first spin-out companies DDS Medicines Research, director of the Scottish Science Trust, president of Dundee rotary club and boxmaster and deacon of the Bonnetmaker craft of Dundee. Ian Stevenson was warmly regarded and will be widely missed.

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