3 September 2002

Starting early

This term will see the start of an innovative new initiative for sixth year pupils to prove their academic metal during the last year of school and secure advanced entry to second year of a degree course in the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences and Engineering and Physical Sciences.

Pupils who pass a package of a first level degree module and two advanced highers at B grade or better will be allowed to skip the first year of University studies and guarantee themselves a place in year two of the MA of BEng degree programme.

Viv Urquhart, Director of the Flexible Programme Development Unit at the University of Dundee explains: "This initiative improves the transition between school and University and also gives pupils a special focus to S6."

Eight pupils from Dundee High School started first level degree modules this term in philosophy, politics and psychology - choosing subjects they were not offered at school to broaden their studies.

Next term pupils will take a module in engineering and sciences completing a project producing civil, mechanical and electrical engineering models.

It is anticipated that the programme will be rolled out next session to Harris Academy and Morgan Academy.

By Jenny Marra, Press Officer 01382 344910 j.m.marra@dundee.ac.uk