11 Sept 2001

Students 'giving back' to the community

Dundee University Students' Association (DUSA) yesterday announced its' collaboration with the Blood Transfusion Service based at Ninewells Hospital. All first year students will be urged to sign up to give blood through information in the Student Association's Freshers' Handbook which is distributed to all new students. The Freshers' packs provide an effective and personal method of communicating with incoming students. It is hoped that the message to "give blood" will be taken in by Dundee University's fresh intake of students.

DUSA will also be providing a stall for the Blood Transfusion Service at the annual Freshers' Fayre held at the Association on October 6th. Around 2,500 students attend the Freshers' Fayre and this is seen as another way in which the Blood Transfusion Service can reach the student community.

Maurice Golden, Vice-President Communications, DUSA, said:

"It is very important that people give blood and DUSA is more than happy to facilitate this commendable goal which ultimately helps to save lives."

Angela Thomson, Donor Office Manager, East of Scotland Blood Transfusion Service, said:

"We are extremely pleased to work with Dundee University Students' Association to have this opportunity to access more potential blood donors."

For more information, please contact:
Maurice Golden
Vice-President Communications
Dundee University Students' Association
(Work) (01382) 221841
(Mobile) 07768 348605
(Home) (01382) 542256
