4 November 2002

Indian science

a photo of indian science

A scientist from the University of Dundee has been selected by the British Council to visit India next week for a meeting with other young scientists to share their areas of research and spark ideas for new science projects between the India and the UK.

Dr Steve Safrany is one of only 10 UK scientists to be invited to Delhi for the meeting. Following his presentation at the conference, he will spend 5 days working with Professor Dipak Dasgupta at the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics in Kolkata. All the UK scientists will spend 5 days in an Indian Institute to work with the Indian research groups and develop proposals for joint research after the conference.

Steve is looking to understand specific carbohydrates which he believes may be involved in Multiple Sclerosis. These carbohydrates are found in plants, yeast and all mammalian cells and are the mechanism for moving proteins around the organism.

The Young Scientists Networking Conference was organised following the success of the India-UK Science Festival held in eleven cities in India in January 2002, and inaugurated by the Prime Minister, Tony Blair.

Contact Angela Nicoll 01382 348377

By Jenny Marra, Press Officer 01382 344910 j.m.marra@dundee.ac.uk