28 November 2001

Dundee's weakest link?

photographers and reporters are welcome to go along to Popl Nero's in the Nethergate at 5.15pm on Monday 3 December.

Will she be the University of Dundee's weakest link? Norma Stewart, a sales ledger manager in the University's cash office will be appearing on Monday night's edition of BBC2's popular quiz show The Weakest Link.

Norma plans to watch the show in Popl Nero's in the Nethergate with her husband Derek and her son Ross (25).

The show is a specially themed edition featuring "jobs you love to hate". Norma's fellow contestants will include a dentist, estate agent and a traffic policeman.

Norma applied to appear on the show back in April, auditioned in October and was invited to be a contestant earlier this month.

Norma is one of the University's newest members of University Court representing clerical and manual employees. She had to miss her first Court meeting to record the programme but was hopeful that she might return to the next Court as its strongest link./ENDS